
SnakeSpace is a local-multiplayer game that works in a web environment. The game is still in development as there are many fields to consider. There will be more information about the gameplay when the game is in a more advanced stage. Let's focus on some of the more relevant features it offers.

No keyboard, play AFK!

The game offers the option to play using a keyboard, but it also allows players to connect their mobile phones to play the game instead.

Users can create game rooms; they generate a unique code that can be used by logged-in devices to connect to the game. A person can join a room by introducing its code on the specified form.

I don't know your opinion, but 5 hands on a keyboard is not my style; by using mobile phones as controllers instead, multiple people could play wireless without problems, (wait, I just said the next point).

SnakeSpace, play without using keyboard

Why do it alone? Let your friends join too!

By using their mobile phones, multiple players can join in a single-screen game. While the game runs on one device, players can send inputs using virtual buttons to control their avatars (snakes).

SnakeSpace multiplayer

Customize your controller!

If you have a screen, why on earth would you be limited to using a default controller? You can personalise the buttons of your controller to make the gameplay more comfortable. You can also choose the style that matches you the best.

SnakeSpace controllers